
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Power to the women

SCC has supported regional training on gender mainstreaming training for farmer organisations in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda. Through institutional changes in the farmers’ organisations, the members’ household attitudes regarding gender were eventually positively affected. The experience confirmed that sharing experience within a farmers’ organisation plays a key role in motivating leaders and members for mainstreaming gender. To work with a network of organisations gives additional advantages in that respect. Strong commitment of the board is necessary to really achieve results.

“The results were in the field of increased gender balance and more gender sensitive staff in the POs and existence of institutional systems, facilities and services responsive to gender specific needs. The capacity of staff and leaders to mainstream gender was enhanced through gender trainings. Four organisations embarked on developing gender policies and are more committed to addressing gender issues in their organisation. Work plans to make the policies operational are in place and implemented. Awareness and sensitization on gender issues has been translated on local level and demonstrate results. Women take up more leaderships roles; in Uganda in Nyakantonzi Farmers Union, there is now at least one woman on the committee of every primary cooperative society. In Tanzania, (Arumeru, Karatu, Makambako districts) more women are participating in development activities. Finally, specific initiatives (models) were supported to reduce workload of women at the household level. 30 women of Muguna Farmers Cooperative Society for example were able to purchase water tanks, bicycles and ox carts to bring their produce to the market.”
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