
Saturday, December 6, 2008

A multiple project approach

The support of SCC to Zambia National Farmers’ Union (ZNFU) in Zambia, illustrates how effective changes in marketing behaviour, prices and transaction costs, demand multiple project approaches which can be combined and coordinated within one farmers’ organisation. The market linkages are also very effective to increase the membership base. The case further illustrates how advocacy efforts by the farmer organisation have contributed to improvements on farm level. The case highlights the strategic potential of working via a mix of small and larger scale farmers in one organisation and of a more participatory exit strategy via the farmers’ organisation.

“The support of SCC to ZNFU took place between 2006 and 2008. Important ingredients of the approach for improving market access have been the introduction of a price and trade information system (price information on 24 commodities accessible by mobile phones), bulking of produce and collective marketing, awareness training on micro finance practice. Also support to improve access to agricultural inputs and skills training was included and crucial for the positive results. HIV mainstreaming and gender have further contributed to inclusion of the vulnerable into the successful approaches. From the organisational part, the membership of ZNFU increased from 5.659 to 9.313 members between 2005 and 2008. Lobby activities of ZNFU have contributed to the success of the marketing and productivity initiatives. ZNFU managed to lobby with the government to increase the number of beneficiaries for the national ‘Fertiliser Support Programme’. As a result, the number of national beneficiaries increased from 70.000 to 200.000 small holder farmers and the subsidy increased from 72% to 82%. ZNFU also facilitated strategic collaboration with organisations to foster conservation agriculture. Finally ZNFU has been active in various regional and international trade agreement discussions. The different support initiatives have improved the price negotiation processes of farmers and their access to better paying agricultural markets. ZNFU knows an unique membership base characterised by a mix of small scale and larger scale farmers. Thanks to the larger scale farmers, activities tended to take a more business oriented nature and small scale farmers were inspired.”
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