
Friday, July 4, 2008

Trust and motivation

A loan from a local group (SACCO) hasn’t only boosted the economic potential of a member of this local group in Tanzania, but has mainly boosted her social confidence and trust in future enterprises.

In Tanzania, a member of a SACCO reports on the changes in her life. Although she has not been in a leadership position in a SACCO and only joined three years ago, she has experienced important effects. She took a loan in 2006 to grow local beans in a nearby irrigation scheme. She bought seeds and pesticides with a loan and paid the labourers. By selling the harvest, she was able to pay back the loan and to keep a small profit. The profit was relatively low because of changed market conditions at harvest time. More important for her and her husband was the successful experience of managing the loan. After her experience, her husband equally had a loan to grow onions in the same irrigation scheme. Rose is currently pregnant and doesn’t have an outstanding loan but her experience was motivating. She is planning to take another loan in the near future. This time it will be to start a small trading business of local vegetables. Rose is very optimistic about future changes she can make to her life.

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