
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Positive results, despite negative external trends

In El Salvador the cooperative dynamics in the Confederación de Federaciones de la Reforma Agraria Salvadoreña CONFRAS (confederation) were strengthened and CONFRAS was enabled to contribute to farm diversification and marketing, resulting in increased income for farmers, including women, and despite negative external trends. There is still need for continuous attention and awareness creation for farmers to produce according to market demand. Also, despite high female membership, the participation of young people and women in managerial roles remains relatively low.

“The support involved 11 cooperatives and 5 women’s committees (representing in total 328 women and 388 men). Functional and organisational aspects of the cooperatives and participating women’s committees were strengthened. 11 cooperatives have improved their management (for example adequate accounting and improved participation in general assembly’s has increased by 84%). The gender aspect has been very central during the organisational strengthening. Presently 27% of the management positions are taken by women in the cooperatives, compared to 10% at the start, with an impact on further strategies and policies for gender in the cooperatives. Apart from the organisational strengthening of the different cooperatives, CONFRAS has strengthened its capacity to defend the rights of the cooperative members and has supported the advocacy capacity of its grass root members. These organisational and advocacy efforts have been very complementary to support farmers for product diversification and collective marketing. A result of 140 ha with 23 new crops can be registered. 87% of the members market their produce together (of which 60% women). In 2008, 358 producers increased the value of their farm plots by at least 40%. 67% of the total population obtained higher incomes and 34% of the participating household met their basic food needs, made small investments in irrigation or purchased agricultural supplies. This impact was realised against a negative external trend of flood, which caused 15% loss of production. Also the price of agricultural inputs generally increased with 100% in the region. There are remaining challenges. It asks continuous efforts to overcome lack of trust and to change the attitude of ‘selling what is produced’ towards ‘producing what can be sold’. Also, despite improvements, participation of young people and women in managerial roles remains low, and needs further encouragement.”

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