
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Techniques for tea

The Vietnamese family Thi Anh in the Tai Nguyen province, depends already twenty years on tea production (2.500 m) and a bit on animal husbandry. The tea tree was bad, they did not know how to apply the techniques well. They applied too much or too little manure. Because they processed the tea manually the production was not much, around 30 kg per month.

Mrs. Mai Thi Anh explains that now they are much more experienced in tea. “We received technical assistance from the Vietnam National Farmers Union (VNFU) and have drying and curling machines. The work load is reduced a lot. Production has increased, we can now process 300 kg of tea per month. Our work is more efficient. We can get a loan from the Agricultural Development Bank using the VNFU’s name as collateral.

The technical support is very important to us, it has improved our lives. Also the support of VNFU in producing compost is very important, because now we can produce safe tea which is better for our health. Our economy has improved, every member of VNFU has a television, machines, gas cooker, and a concrete house. It is important to involve women in training, they now have technical knowledge and can share their experiences with men”.

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